Join EMERGE today and let us guide you to IDENTIFY and USE your God-given gifts to IMPACT more lives beyond your full-time job, earn MORE and make God proud….WITHOUT losing your sanity or dropping the balls at work or at home.
Dear Career Woman,
Do you believe there is MORE to you than what the world can see of you today?
Are you tired of hearing that Career Women cannot have it all or cannot be successful all-round without losing something, most times, their homes or peace…
Do you want to uncover your purpose and live purposefully, birthing your dreams while having an amazing relationship with your husband and children and growing in your career…
Or you simply want to step-change your income level and impact even lives as you do this?
YET, sometimes you feel stuck, frustrated and sometimes purposeless?
BUT relax….
As long as, right now, you are tired of hearing that YOU cannot have it all or YOU cannot be successful all round without losing something…most times your home, or peace or even your job…
And you want to uncover purpose and live purposefully, birthing your dreams while having amazing relationships at home and growing in your career…
Or you simply want to step-change your income level and impact more lives even as you do this…
Then this will be the most important letter you will read this year!!
You are not alone in how you feel.
Indeed, there comes a time in a Career Woman’s life when she wants ‘MORE’. across all areas of her life. She wants practical solutions not mere motivational messages.
Even if she may have no clue what this ‘MORE’ is, all she knows is that she needs to see more growth across all areas of her life.
She wants to make God proud as she impacts more lives with whatever gifts, knowledge and experiences she has, and if possible in such a way that her income grows too.
She wants to know that her family has her back as she pursues her quest to birth those dreams that keep her awake at night.
She wants to enjoy growth and peace across ALL facets of her life because truth be told, all areas of her life are intertwined and excelling in all key areas is what gives her the greatest joy and fulfillment.
BUT she is limited by her 9 – 5 commitment which she may not be able to jettison just like that for several personal reasons…..
If YES, then you are in the Right place at the Right time!
For 11 years, I had lost me. I’d settled into mummy-hood and forgotten all my dreams. I got connected to Iphie and her 31-Day Program through my sister; and today I walk with a renewed sense of purpose. I have started working on my forgotten dreams…and even with my full-time job, I am part of a team leading something that could potentially be rolled out across the whole country.
Lola. A. UK
By God’s grace, I have come a long way…
From being a young rising Star Girl with lots of dreams and an overwhelming belief in myself…
To becoming a wife and mom…and forgetting these dreams and even doubting my abilities and even wavering in my faith in God’s interest in me.
To staying stagnated in my job for over 7 years without a promotion…yet working so hard and occasionally being celebrated for my results.
To calculating my bill at Mr. Biggs in my head while on the queue and mentally checking to be sure that the money in my bag would be enough for a snack for my son, even though the world saw me as a ‘Big Girl’…
To serially failing at starting businesses…not one, not two…. not even three 😭😭
And then, in a space of 24 months, EVERYTHING CHANGED!
Today, I lead a group of crazy career women here at the Uncommon Woman Movement. Women who are ready to birth ALL the potential in them and make God proud…even with their full-time jobs, wifey and mommy duties.
When my bio gets read at the Women Events where I am privileged to speak, I sometimes find myself asking ’Is that really me?’ and then quickly saying a prayer of gratitude…
Because it was NOT always like this….
I grew up in ‘humble’ home. We were not exactly poor…but there was never extra except on Mommy’s pay day.
My brain was my super-power…and still is. I did not plan to always ‘manage’ for life, so I faced school with everything in me. I graduated best student in my department in university whilst being President of an International Youth Organization called AIESEC.
I got a job straight out of school…my dream job with my dream company. My annual salary as that time was my mother’s gratuity after over 20years of meritorious service to Nigeria.
In 2008, my husband and I invested our savings and a bank loan into a business and project we totally believed in…and lost it all with a pile of debts to pay!
At work, I had just moved departments and so, a promotion was not in the horizon at least for the next few years.
By December 2010, I was officially tired…
The last three years had been painful. In 2009 alone, I had personally tried out 3 different businesses to supplement my income from my 9-5 job….and failed! I even packed my reserved personality aside and ventured into Multi-level Marketing, selling them to everyone I knew…and even those I did not know!
Not only did I fail at these businesses, but I lost good money – money equal to at least 6 months of my salary. WHO DOES THAT?
So on that day in December 2010, I was a mess and a bundle of mixed emotions..
Yes, I was grateful for my job but I was tired! I was not happy with my slow career growth and every-day, I wished I could resign…. but monthly bank repayments would not allow me.
With one child and a second on the way, our finances were under more pressure. As you can imagine, so was my relationship with my husband.
I had four failed business attempts under my belt. Actually, we can make that five because the very first business I tried to launch in 2008 never even launched at all.
I read of Linda Ikeji who was making good money from blogging! So, as the practical chic that I am, I asked how come Linda was making money from just blogging. I was told she was ‘trading her strengths for income’ and I should look for mine and do same. I reviewed my life with microscope….and only found two things I love doing – Sleeping and Working on my Laptop! My life
Chai, that day, I asked God plenty questions – ‘Is this all you created me for? Is it that I have no gifts in my life apart from book and work?
Who did I offend to warrant this kind of failures? Is it because I graduated best student in university that you want to humble me like this…but I gave you all the glory nah!
He led me to Proverbs 31…. which as you can guess, sparked off another litany of lamentation from me! LOL!!
‘I said it, you really want to humble me! Lord, just kill me. The Virtuous Woman? How can you even refer me to her? She does not sleep and God you know I LOVE my sleep!
Father…look at it this thing well. How would she not have been able to serve her husband and entire household when she was not going to work or entering Lagos traffic.
Lord, I agree with you on the earnings, savings and buying a vineyard part. That is what I have been talking about…. increase my income so me too I can invest in real estate’.
Hmmm…thank God for God and the Holy Spirit!
After I finally calmed down…and opened my heart to truly learn, I ended that day with pages of notes!
Indeed, I was Made for MORE…
Contrary to what I believed, I did have gifts that I could impact lives with and even earn from if structured well.
That day, I had a list of almost three Business and Impact projects I could start based on my gifts and passions; and even projects I could initiate at work to increase my ‘rating’ and get promoted on time!
I even had ‘expo’ on how to improve my relationship with my husband and get his support for these potential businesses, since I had lost a lot of money on my different business escapades!
It felt like I was in a dream…
That was December 2010.
By December 2012, I had birthed my first ‘’MORE’ idea which also became my first successful business, generating over $15,000 in just my first 10months of launch with zero adverts! I also got promoted at work and my relationship with my husband had completely transformed.
By 2014, I had birthed my second ‘MORE’ – Sheer Virtuosity, a Women Development Blog where I was sharing all I was learning at that time in my walk with God as I was birthing my MORE and trying to balance it with my full-time job, marriage, and motherhood responsibilities. This platform is now home to the Uncommon Woman Movement…where you are now.
By 2015, I birthed the Impact leg of my business – Project Mom Alive. Via this platform, my business partnered with USAID and UNFPA to touch lives of women…and as you can imagine, I was all over the news!
Today, I am also the author of two best-selling books – The Uncommon Woman and Made For MORE, Founder/President of the Uncommon Woman Movement with over 23,000 members and Lead Coach at the Uncommon Woman University.
In my career, I have grown from that junior manager in 2010 to a C-Suite Executive and I also serve on the Board of Private and Public Listed Companies.
If this could happen to me – Chief lover of Sleep, then you are MORE than qualified to birth even MORE in your life…..YOU JUST NEED THE RIGHT WISDOM AND CREW!
After 4+ failed attempts at birthing the ‘MORE’ in me over a 3-year period, I finally discovered how to birth the ‘MORE’ in me CORRECTLY.
It then took me another 2 years to figure out how to handle this with my other responsibilities as a wife, mom and full-time employee……yet without dropping the ball, such that God could trust me with new instructions for other ‘MOREs’’
You do not have to spend this much time as your journey to birth the many expressions God has placed in you…and that’s why I created the EMERGE 31-Day Accelerator Program to guide you step-by-step.
You, too can be ALL you have ever dreamt of becoming, as long as, this ‘ALL’ is what God had in mind when creating you, you have clarity on WHAT they are and you will activate them in the RIGHT order….
And this is exactly what EMERGE Program helps you get clear on and started with…
Even if you have knowingly or unknowingly settled for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living, possibly because it’s convenient for you or the family…
OR even if the overwhelming responsibilities of marriage, motherhood, your full-time job or even a separation have taken their toll on you such that you have lost yourself and forgotten your dreams…
Run over a period of 31 days, here is what to expect….
The EMERGE 31-Day Accelerator. Via daily content sent directly to your phone 6 days per week, move from stuck and overwhelmed to full clarity of your purpose, what success means for you and the EXACT idea God is calling you to birth this season. By the end of this module, you will have your purpose-inspired business idea and your personal 90-Day Action Plan to birth it.
4 WEEKLY Q&A and Review Sessions with Coach Iphie
Private Exclusive Small-sized Learning Group with a Success Coach/Hype Woman focused on supporting you to get the best from the program and finish with the desired results.
EMERGE WORKS but it takes commitment, time and effort. It will require you to step outside your comfort zone.
It has worked for me and many women like you (and you will read their stories soon) because the strategies I share in the Program are not fluff or rehashed information from the internet…
What I share step-by-step is exactly what helped me birth two highly profitable international businesses, author two books, start a thriving women’s ministry….all the while working my full-time job and even getting promoted at work!
BUT for it to yield fruit in your life, YOU must be ready to commit at least 20mins daily to doing the work – listening to the daily content, and completing the reflective exercises.
Ready to take the bull by the horn and totally TRANSFORM your life in as little as 31days?
ONE thing to do by Week 1 of the program to eliminate unnecessary delays, saving yourself YEARS of wasted effort or slow progress!
How to uncover purpose and draft your personal Purpose you have a compass that guides your decisions going forward.
How to define success for YOU...and not based on what the world thinks or expects, so you can always be fulfilled and make God proud.
Thinking you need to quit your job to focus on your dreams, right? Wrong! Learn how to identify which of your dreams or gifts to start now, to start earning more and impacting more lives... even if you have 1million ideas in your head now.
How to make today the first day of the BEST PHASE of your life, even if you feel it is too late to start, you have made terrible mistakes in the past or you just feel God doesn’t love you like other people.
The 5 common FEARS that hinder most women from birthing the ‘MORE’ in them; and my simple yet powerful 5-step approach to bursting them completely.
SAY GOOD-BYE to the ‘I don’t have energy after work for anything’ complaint often heard from most Career Women. Learn how you can naturally keep your energy levels high all through the day and eliminate fatigue and exhaustion without taking any life/body-damaging foods, drinks or substances.
You believe you need to work hard to be an all-round woman of success, right? Wrong! Learn why hard work alone will not guarantee the success you desire and what to do to increase your chances of significant success in any task you undertake going forward.
How the world we live in has used the ‘NO STRESS’, ‘I CAN’T KILL MYSELF’ messages to rob you of entering new levels in your life; and what you should know and do to reverse the effects of these statements on your life immediately.
Three FOUNDATIONAL secrets to getting your home sorted should you choose to accept the challenge of birthing the Uncommon Woman in YOU, especially with a full-time job…so that you have less pressure and more time to work on your MORE.
The Three Common Expectations Most Women have of their Spouses that set them up for disappointment and pain; and how to avoid them AND get your husband to happily release you to shine, so that you can enjoy your marriage more even as you birth the MORE in you.
What you should never do when you go BIG (because you will real soon) so you do not end up in humiliation; and five powerful nuggets to help you remain on the right path.
The Truth about Naysayers – those people who never see any good in you or your ideas; and three key things you need to know and do to overcome naysayers before they trample on your dreams…because they always show up!
The very SILENT yet LETHAL implication of dreaming BIG but taking no action. This alone has quickened A LOT of our clients into starting and delivering results in record timings that they never believed was possible for them.
What to do if you believe you have a powerful global message or gift like Whitney Houston had but you DON’T want to disappear and die off like she did. Learn 5 easy-to-miss levers you need to be mindful of if you want to live long to enjoy the legacy you are setting out to build.
This is hands down one of the most appreciated trainings by past participants of the bootcamp and students of the Uncommon Woman University. No matter the level of intimacy and sensitivity you have today to God’s voice, there will be a thing or two to learn from this training.
Here, I share proven tips around winning with your spouse, winning with your children, powering your home and aceing it at work.
The #ONE killer of dreams after fear is procrastination. Learn how to burst through procrastination and birth those dreams like the Uncommon Woman that you are.
Past participants with a dream of writing a book found this training very helpful, so if that’s also a desire of yours….then you know what to do then!
Where you will learn what to SAY and DO to revive your marriage and keep it flourishing always as you create and implement your all-encompassing plan to keep your marriage sizzling again and your husband quoting Songs of Solomon!
By the end of this training, you will know exactly how to significantly exceed your deliverables at work, such that you outshine your peers, and you will also have an action plan to achieve this over the next 3 months.
By the end of this training, you will know exactly how to identify your winning course idea, how to create it and most importantly, how to serve it to your target audience in a way that delivers the transformation they expect.
Possibly wondering …”What is this Program is a Waste of my Money?
I understand….and I am not asking you to let your guard down. That would be unfair given how many half-truths there are on the internet today.
Instead, here is my offer
Join the EMERGE Program today…
If, by the end of Week 1 of the Program, you dislike it for ANY reason…
Just let me know and I’ll refund you your payment.
Then I joined EMERGE and the first thing that struck me was when Coach Iphie taught on “You are more than this”. From then on it was back-to-back inspiration, reprimanding and awakening, . The impact was massive!
My fears were quelled. Guess what?! I have started producing my outfits and to make it sweeter, I have received my first cash payment with several people asking me to make some in their sizes. It’s still like a dream to me.
Fashion Entrepreneur. Akwa Ibom, Nigeria
The program made me stop giving excuses and just do it! I have commercialized my interior designs skills, trademarked my business name and bought a domain already for my website and I have opened an Instagram page as well.
Deputy Managing Director. Lagos, Nigeria
I am a new woman today, full of life, well equipped with tools of success and above all illuminated in the path of my purpose…what a privilege to have been part of this! 🤗
Educationist. Nairobi, Kenya
I am more motivated and I take on opportunities and tackle challenges with a different mindset and tenacity. The program has been a wonderful adventure and treasure of wisdom, self discovery and wonderful support and encouragement from the team of organizers.
Industrial Engineer. Gauteng, South Africa
I am able to hear God speak to me again; this I am most grateful for. I am so proud of myself for finishing this programme and not abandoning it as usual. Finally, I am very happy to join the EMERGE Alumni Community. I have paid for so many courses and programmes, but none has been half as good as this.
Entrepreneur. Lagos, Nigeria
This program has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. It has helped me see myself and my potential through God’s eyes. I have discovered my purpose. I know exactly what I need to start now, and I’m not just beating around the bush. I feel so happy and fulfilled. I feel like I’m on the right path, with a clear direction and focus. My future, which once seemed so dim, now looks awesome and radiant. I am filled with hope.
Teacher. Oyo State
Today, I can confidently say that I have found so much peace in God. My relationship with Him has grown deeper than I even imagined. My vision about where my life is going and my purpose on earth is very clear and measures are being put in place to keep getting closer to my dreams and achieving my purpose. My relationship with my husband is so much better.
All these, I don’t think I could have done if I didn’t join EMERGE Program. I’m so glad that God found me worthy to show me this opportunity and urged me to pay and join.
Credit Risk Analyst. Lagos, Nigeria
But that’s not all – the program also empowered my spirit in ways I never thought possible. It was as if my true self was birthed, and I emerged stronger, bolder, and more confident. I discovered new depths of courage, resilience, and faith within me, and I’m now walking in a newfound sense of purpose and authority.
To all the women out there, if you’re feeling stuck or uncertain about your purpose, I highly recommend this program, it could be the key to unlocking your full potential!
Digital Marketer. Anambra State, Nigeria
But upon joining, I am yielding more to the voice of God, detesting the old way of life, and allowing Him to lead me fully.
Lagos, Nigeria
I can’t come and beat you in your house. 😅😅😅
But seriously…. can we rather look at the opportunity cost of NOT joining the EMERGE program now?
Can we really quantify the emotional cost of remaining in the same spot?
The emotional cost of unfulfillment and continued inner turmoil that stems from not taking any action to birth your dreams or utilizing the many unique gifts, knowledge, and experiences in you to profitably touch lives….
Sweetheart, can I be honest with you? If you are not growing…you are dying….
And guess what?
After years of sitting stagnant and never cracking the code to birthing the MORE in you and fulfilling your unique God-given assignment…
You will give up – either by choice or by force – and that is the costliest outcome of all.
I have been in your shoes before…
I know what it means to have dreams that keep you awake at night, yet everyone cannot seem to understand why you simply cannot be content with your ‘good’ life…
As such, you suppress your dreams and dim your light to make them uncomfortable….and sometimes even lose your ability to dream in the process…
I don’t want this to happen to you because, whether you believe it or not, there are a group of people whose lives are tied to yours…
And the sooner your rise above the judging voices (in you head and around you, to birth the MORE God has placed in you the right way….the better for them and for you too.
I also know the pains associated with losing your dreams, confidence and even the ability to dream…
I know first hand what it means to be beaten down by life such that even the tiniest of mole hills looks like an insurmountable mountain…
I know that weird feeling of tiredness that takes over when you have tried several times to revamp your life, but you make little progress or even worse, keep failing time and time again.
However I also know the pure joy that comes when transformation finally starts and flowers begin to bud in once desolate places of your life…
And I want you to experience this as soon as possible without making the mistakes I made along the way, and that’s why I created the EMERGE Program.
If you have read this page up to this point, then you must really be interest in transforming your life…
You can do so by…
Enrolling into the EMERGE Program now and get INSTANT access to the Bonus Trainings so you can already get started on your learning and growth journey while waiting for the official start of the Program. Scroll down for the ENROLL NOW button…
Chatting with our EMERGE Success Manager to ask any questions you may have that is holding you back from enrolling now. Scroll down for the CHAT WITH US button.
Whichever option you decide to go with, there is ONE important thing to keep in mind…
Life is too short to waste it on trial-and-error approaches, especially when you can be guided right.
You can choose to keep doing what you have always done, BUT note that you will get what you have always gotten.
You can do something different right now by investing in the same program that has taken women just like you from unhappy, lost and complaining about their lives….to excited and birthing new businesses, ministries and even books.
The choice is yours!
This is Truly A Limited Offer, So Join the Program Now Before Enrollment Ends!
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter to the end and I cannot wait to see how the EMERGE Program transforms your life in ways you never thought possible.
Your new friend for life,
PS: In case you are one of those people (like me) who just skipped to the end, here is the deal.
Enrollment in open to our best-selling EMERGE Program.
In this 31-Day Accelerator, you will learn how to rediscover yourself, uncover purpose, identify the EXACT idea God is calling you to birth in this season AND launch it without dropping the balls at work or at home….so that you are living each day fully, positively impacting lives and building wealth in ways that make our Father in Heaven proud.
In short, get ready to say goodbye to confusion, to being stuck and to living a life LESS than you know you were created for!
Instead of the regular price of N297,000 ($297), we have a special offer for you to join the Program for just N65,000 ($65) if you join NOW and if you dislike it for any reason, simply let me know and I’ll even refund your payment immediately. That’s how much I know you will love it. This offer won’t last forever as it expires after 1hour, so act fast!
You can join now and get instant access to your bonus trainings already, so you can start your personal development journey while waiting for the Program start date. Simply click the ENROLL NOW button below…
OR if you still have unanswered questions or challenges with payment, you can chat with our EMERGE Success Manager to give you the answers, clarifications and/or support needed. Simply click the CHAT WITH US button below.
Tears has not ceased to roll down my cheeks each time I listen to Coach Iphie. I can now arrange my visions, know the one to birth first, how, when and where to birth it. I will be birthing my first visions this August, 2024. My joy knows no bounds.
Entrepreneur. Anambra, Nigeria
Now, that’s history! I am clear about what God wants me to do. Right in the middle of this program I had a revelation where God gave me a specific assignment with a time frame attached, which by His grace, I was able to accomplish during this period and then He gave me another one. All these I found very intriguing. Now, I have better perception and distinctness of purpose. No more confusion, I now know what to do. It is time to run.
I propose this EMERGE program for women like me, you will not regret it, if you enroll.
Chartered Accountant and Business woman. Abuja, Nigeria
I am grateful that I came across the Uncommon Woman Movement page now . I now know how to schedule my day through proper planning with alarms to remind me. I am happy I can learn from the wealth of experience of Coach Iphie on how to run my home and be a better version of myself.
Data Analyst. Lagos, Nigeria
Today I have clarity, all of my floating ideas have been compartmentalized and now I am purposefully driven to my goals. The first 2 weeks of this program was the game changer for me because those were foundational to setting up my own foundation on which I am now building upon. It feels really great that I have clarity and now taking productive steps in birthing my MORE.
Fashion Entrepreneur. Lagos, Nigeria
Now I know better, that you can actually have a balanced life as a woman, a wife and a mother. The EMERGE program really affected my spiritual life positively. I got a lot of revelations from the Bible verses used. During the Accelerator, God showed me how to birth another MORE. Attending this program was an answer to my prayer.
Teacher. Edo State, Nigeria
From just the bonuses, I have BIRTHED 3 of my MORE and still counting. I have big dreams that are bigger than me but not bigger than my God, yes!.
Indeed, it has been an awesome experience that I will never forget in my life, the impact and new face it has given me….to God alone be the glory!
Business Woman. Nasarawa State Nigeria
NOW, this Girl is on Faya (fire)! All my expectations were met in the Accelerator and then some more! Like, it takes you back to the past, fixes it and comes back….then it takes you to the future and gets you hungry….Then back to the present and gets you working to get to that future!! That’s the way it was and is for me really.
Fashion Designer. Edo State, Nigeria
But now by the grace of God, and through the help of Coach Iphie, I have taken some definite steps like going to apply for my MSc. I have also discovered my MORE in my children/teenage ministry. I have, through the help of God, began to identify the people to work with in order to launch out.
Public Servant. Taraba State, Nigeria
Since attending the EMERGE bootcamp, my life has been transformed. I wake up happier and more energized each day. I have found the purpose and beauty that God designed to emerge from my scars. I am confident in my identity and the specific individuals I am called to serve. I have resumed my pursuits in writing, speaking, and counselling that I had set aside previously. My spouse has noticed the positive changes in me since joining EMERGE, and he is more supportive than ever, eager to see me thrive. I can confidently attest that the EMERGE bootcamp offers practical guidance and is filled with spiritually inspired content that resonates deeply with me.
Rivers State, Nigeria
My coming in here is a spiritual and physical exercise. Spiritual in the sense that Coach Iphie is an uncommon and godly woman. She fuses spirituality into the mundane. I feel empowered, qualified, and energised to take up whatever lies ahead. I have articulately crafted my purpose. I now know how to fight my limiting beliefs and fears with the right machineries to counter it and move.
Realtor. Lagos, Nigeria
But with the program, I have more clarity now. The 90-day plan was an eye-opener for me. It taught me how to align my thoughts, ideas, and prioritise.
NGO Professional. Abuja, Nigeria
The program reignited my confidence, faith, and hope in many ways. It sparked deep self-discovery and the zeal for more personal growth and success stories. I am ready to boldly pursue my passion while still maintaining my nine-to-five job.
The EMERGE program has empowered me to embrace this new chapter with renewed enthusiasm, and I am excited about the incredible journey ahead.
Public Servant. Lagos, Nigeria
The next cohort of EMERGE starts on Thursday 6th March 2025. After this cohort, the next cohort will not be until July 2025.
This program has worked for single moms, married moms, single ladies, career women with crazy job schedules, older women, younger women, job-hunting, and even stay-at-home moms. This is because it is loaded with deep tangible truths simplified for action, as well as a detailed guide to ignite the transformative change you desire….not just fluff or rehashed information gotten off the internet!
However, you need to commit to spending at least 30mins daily on the content, as this program works when you do the work.
Once you enroll and make payment, you will be directed to a Thank You Page with a form to enroll into the next cohort. Once submitted, you will be directed to join your Cohort’s Announcement Group on WhatsApp, where all announcements will be shared.
You will also receive a thank you email with instructions on how to access your bonuses immediately, so that you can already get started on your personal development journey even before the Program commences.
EMERGE is 100% online so you can join from anywhere in the world. In our past programs, we have had students join from Canada, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Namibia, Cameroon, UK and US. All you need is your device, a heart willing to learn and hands ready to act!
Indeed, you can! The program has been designed with Career Women in mind…from the timing of content delivery and meetings to the inclusion of a Success Coach whose primary objective is to ensure you succeed and get what you paid for.
See below what one of our past participants – Tokini Pax-Harry -had to say after she completed the program.
”The bootcamp was lovely and challenging – as I did my lessons, I thought deeply about my gifts. At some point, I almost fell off the wagon as work schedules became tighter, but the gentle nudgings from the coaches and the inspirational stories shared on the bootcamp spurred me on to finish strong. I’m truly an Uncommon Woman and I’m reaping the benefits of this training.”
Whilst the Program was designed with Career Women in mind, we have had a lot of non-career women partake in our programs and get amazing results. See below some examples…
Morenike Favour, CEO of Favourite Cakes, not only identified the MORE idea to launch with regards her pastries business, but learnt how to overcome the fear gripping her from moving forward. She launched her Cake Baking Training with 5 students in 2020 and, since then, has graduated a number of students, while moving her business from her home to its own store space.
Racheal Ogbidi, used to be a struggling stay-at-home mom. She not only discovered herself but she went ahead to write her first book and launched the Stay at Home Motherhood Academy, where she helps struggling stay-at-home moms retrieve their lives and start earning money with their phones.
Yes, you can. The content is relevant to all Career Women irrespective of nationality or where they reside. We have had students from South Africa, Kenya, Namibia, Cameroon, UK, and US in our past programs. The program is also 100% online, so you can join from anywhere in the world.
We also take into consideration the time difference when scheduling the weekly reviews so that, as much as possible, everyone can attend
After the next cohort starting on the 6th of March, the next cohort is scheduled to start in July 2025. I understand that sometimes our plates may be full and we worry about taking on more…. AND as a human, sometimes, I actually recommend that people are mentally ready for EMERGE before joining.
HOWEVER, it’s important to note that there is never a perfect time to birth your MORE and I have seen people with OVER-FULL plates join EMERGE and still make a success of it without it affecting their other priorities.
See, there will always be things to do and things that need your attention. If you are feeling that inner turmoil that you need to emerge, birth those dreams and impact your world, it’s because God has said the time is now and He has already graced for you for what it would entail. Don’t fail Him…rather refuse to be anxious and through your prayers and supplications, let Him know where you need His help as you take a leap of faith to enroll for this cohort.
Yes it is a program for women only. If you are a man and would love to experience EMERGE, we encourage you to enroll the women you love – your wife, fiancee, sisters etc., and experience the program through them.
Great! Our instalment plans are currently only available for Naira Payments and all payments must be completed before you can be enrolled into your preferred cohort.
Kindly visit this link to learn all the details so you can jump in now.
LOL!!! No worries…we understand the benefit of rest. As such, over the 31 Days of the Program, there will be 4 rest days. Feel relieved? 😝😝
Oh yes! You will have lifetime access to the Program content.
Still have questions? It is okay. It is very important that you fully understand the Program and what it entails before making any financial commitment. Our Success Manager is on hand to answer them.
Please click the CHAT WITH US button below to connect on WhatsApp. Looking forward to being of more assistance soon.
Love Your Spirit!!! Please fill in the form below to get started…
Excited to be of service to you! Please fill in the form below to get started…
YAY!!! We prayed you’d do this
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